Ecological Transition

We support companies and public bodies in the fastest and most consistent ecological transition in the field of Renewable Energy, Sustainable Mobility and Green Building to ensure a better future on the planet for the next generations.

– Ecological Transition Mission


"Turnkey" consultancy for Business Development and Sustainable Projects for the Ecological Transition for companies and public bodies in order to ensure future generations a more sustainable coexistence with our planet:

“Turnkey” Business Development Consultancy in the Renewable Energy sector (Photovoltaic, Mini Wind, Biogas from plant and animal biomass) to complete the transition from fossil sources to natural alternative sources: from the analysis of state incentives, to the purchase of best technologies, to the public authorization process, up to the drafting of the Business Plan and the installation and testing of ENEL, passing through SOA certified installation partners of national importance.
“Turnkey” consultancy for Development Projects in the Green Building sector: at the moment focus on the implementation for private individuals and condominiums of the convenient 110% state building bonus by means of credit transfer without financial advance for customers, supporting us on the qualified engineering firm present in our group.
“Turnkey” Consulting for Development Projects in the Sustainable Mobility sector to Public Bodies, Shopping Centers, Airports, Stations, Seaports: smart cities, car sharing, bike sharing, innovation consultancy & digital marketing for small companies producing bicycles, motorcycles , boats and electric or hybrid plug-in cars.



Challenge operates with its own process methodologies in the Ecological Transition sector to develop business plans for evaluating the return on investments in renewable energy and as a commercial interface on the customers of our group partner Hagitron, a company that has been operating throughout the country for 12 years. with dozens of plants designed and built in the renewable energy sector, and important projects carried out in the Green Building and Sustainable Mobility sectors, considered among the pioneers of the Ecological Transition in Central-Southern Italy since 2008.

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